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Healing with Cannabis

Cannabis, also known by weed, ganja, pot, marijuana, hemp or even dagga, is one of our oldest and most powerful allies. Cannabis has been co-evolving and helping us for thousands of years , and it is only n modern times that we have become separated and disconnected from the truth about this beautiful, ancient plant. Our mission, vision and passion is to bring back the lost knowledge and truth of this plant, whilst integrating the latest cutting-edge research from around the world. Our goal is to educate, spread awareness and honour our very special relationship with this truly miraculous plant we call cannabis. Canna Heal has its own locally made range of organic full spectrum medicinal products - Canna Oil & Canna Salve.

What is Cannabis?
Cannabis Sativa is a genus of annual, flowering plant. Sub-species include sativa, indica and ruderalis. Sativa can grow very tall, up to 3 meters. They grow in regions with a relatively warm climate and have thin leaves. Stevia is most commonly grown here in South Africa. Indica plants are generally quite short, densely branched with broad, wider leaves. Often thought to originate from India and South Asia. Ruderalis is a very small plant with a short flowering period. It’s indigenous to Eastern Europe and Russia and adapted to cool environments with little light and short days. Hemp is a type of Sativa. It grows very tall, with long branches and thick stems, resembling a tree in some ways. Hemp has long been used for its fibres(clothes, robes, house material), seeds and leaves(food), as well as oil(bio-fuel). Hemp plastic is on it’s way to becoming a reality too. Hemp doesn’t contain as much resin/ cannabinoids as other variants and contains little THC. There are thousands of strains of cannabis, each with their own unique profile of cannabinoids, terpenes and medicinal effects.

Humanity started it’s journey with cannabis many millennia ago. Earliest archaeological evidence shows that in Japan, China and other ancient Eastern civilisations used cannabis, specifically hemp, for it’s fibres and food over 10 000 years ago. More so however, cannabis is believed to have played a significant role in the beginning of humanity, bringing our consciousness into being and providing our bodies with nutrient rich, balanced food. Cannabis has been co-evolving with us and our planet for millions of years, through her many cycles and rebirths. We are now living in a time of rebirthing cannabis into the global consciousness and re-introducing the significant healing powers that will no longer be suppressed or hidden.

Earliest recorded use of medicinal cannabis dates to 2737BC when a Chinese emperor recorded his findings in pharmacological book stating that is has the potential to heal a variety of ailments. At the time, cannabis was being used in Africa primarily or fibres, food and spiritual practice. Ancient Egypt recorded medicinal use for cannabis on various papyrus and it was grown extensively for cloth. Over time, the plant spread to India, the Middle East and Europe and eventually America. Cannabis was a major component in religious practices in Ancient India as well as in medicinal practices. Hemp was most likely the first agricultural crop to be farmed . Cannabis is often recorded to help various ailments and diseases such as pain, malaria, coughs, menstrual disorders, childbirth, urinary problems, respiratory problems, glaucoma, haemorrhoids, rheumatism, etc.

In modern history, cannabis has been used throughout the west. The 1700s saw England make cannabis medicine available in pharmacies. In the 19th century, USA widely used cannabis for medicinal practise, and it was officially added to the American pharmacopeia in 1850. Hemp was farmed on  mass scale throughout the world, praised for it’s high yields of fibre and food. In the 1920s cannabis started to be prohibited, especially in the USA. Largely due to racism and xenophobia against emigrating Mexicans. Big Pharma also lobbied against cannabis since anybody could grow the plant at home; cannabis also couldn’t be patented because it’s a plant. This would put a dent in the big Pharma companies profit. Big oil companies and the wood pulping industry also didn’t like that hemp could be used for its abundant fuel and fibres for paper. And thus cannabis was illegalised.

Over the last hundred years, the west continues to prohibit cannabis, primarily through propaganda from the US. It’s important to be aware of our past with this plant, and to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself. We must be conscious not to give our power away to any form of government or corporation that have no intention but profit and control. Power to the people!

Cannabis extracts and oils
Cannabis in any form can be used as a medicine although it’s most popular form is as an oil - a concentrated extract or infusion of the plant. Average oil yields are usually around 10% oil to the amount of plant matter used, making extracts exceptionally strong! For optimum healing it’s important to always use full spectrum extracts, meaning the whole plant is used when extracting the oil. Isolates should be avoided. The synergy of using a full spectrum extract of cannabis is called the entourage effect and has been scientifically shown to have remarkable healing effects. Full spectrum extracts also contain an abundance of terpenes, flavonoids, plant nutrients and chlorophyll- which all have amazing healing properties too. Extracts should be done using natural, food grade, non-harsh chemicals. When heat is used to extract the oil, the chemicals originally on the plant change. Certain extraction methods (like CO2) can be used to limit the amount of ‘decarboxylation’ (from heat) that occurs.

Cannabis growing conditions
The soil, environment, air quality and even the growers/famers energy make all the differences in the quality and medicinal properties of the cannabis grown. It’s best to use outdoor grown plants, connected to the Earth and the mycelium network - promoting optimal growth and medicinal properties. Cannabis should be grown in rich, healthy, nutritious soil, without and synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. Organic and neutral is always best! Remember that medical extracts are concentrated versions of the actual grown cannabis plant, so it’s important for the plant to be of optimum health and purity! Use the sun too grow, no man-made lights can ever replicate the power of our sun! This is crucial when it comes to using cannabis as a medicine.

Cannabis as a medicine
Cannabis is a highly versatile and powerful medicine that can help heal, treat and relieve many different ailments, illnesses and dis-eases. When grown and extracted correctly, (as discussed above) and taken in the right ratios/dosage, it is very safe for most to use. Please be aware though, as with all medicine, you must be careful when mixing it with other chemicals and substances. If you are using cannabis and other medicine, please always be sure to do additional research, or ask us. Always trust your intuition or ‘gut-feeling’ , especially when it comes to using he right dosage and blend/ cannabinoid rations for your needs.

For true healing, cannabis should be taken in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle. Other herbal medicine and superfoods can be used too. Whilst cannabis medicine can give you relief and treat your ailments, true good health comes from your own body and mindset. Your attitude towards healing and life is an integral part of getting well. Healing takes time and isn’t an overnight quick fix. Take your health into your own hands, not your doctors.  Diet plays a big part too - we advocate a nutritious, alkaline and whole foods plant-based diet, with minimal or no meat and dairy intake 9which are now beyond proven to cause different problems within the body, namely acidity, cell oxygen depletion and bad gut health0. It’s also essential to get regular, uninterrupted sleep, and to get out into nature as much as possible. Get out into the fresh air and sun.

Cannabis can be used as a medicine in various forms - ingesting orally as and oil (sublingually), applying topically(on your skin), or as a suppository(anally or vaginally). Other methods include vaping, eating(edibles) and even smoking can be of medical benefit in certain cases. Was has it’s own unique benefits, and certain methods are preferred when dealing with certain ailments.

Cannabis primarily heals us through compounds in the plant (like CBD and THC) interacting with our own bodies. They work on the body on a deep root level, so whole cannabis does help treat symptoms, it’s also healing the body from within!

The endocannabinoid system
Our bodies contain a very important biological system called the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the body’s largest neurotransmitter networks. All mammals including humans have cannabinoid transmitters that process cannabinoids (like those found in cannabis, such as THC & CBD). The ECS basically sends chemical neurotransmitters (messenger & communication modules) to all your bodily parts to check that everything is working smoothly and then gets feedback to what needs to be balanced. When it finds a problem, it regulates it by sending further instructions to receptors that adjust how you feel and think. Without this system, our body, bran and cells would not be able to communicate effectively.

The ECS is always working to achieve balance, or homeostasis, in our bodies. This means maintaining a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. It’s responsible for crucial functions in our bodies including immune function, appetite, hunger, digestion, pain and motor control, mood and pleasure, memory, fertility/pregnancy, sleep, inflammation and more. In a balanced and healthy body, the endocannabinoid system functions well to send and transmit information and energy around the body to maintain equilibrium - making sure all the organs, cells etc are working properly. Many people these days have dysregulsted and deficient ECS which according to the latest research is a leading cause in nearly all diseases, and that prolonged deficiency can cause cancer, authorities, dementia and many other diseases becoming common.
When it comes to cannabis and cannabinoids being brought into the body (eg. THC & CBD), they stimulate the ECS receptor sites, thus starting a chemical reaction of messages being sent to your body and brain. We each have a different ‘expression” and balance of receptor in our bodies, unique person to person. We all experience cannabis in different ways, so start slow and low.

Cannabinoid receptors and photo-cannabinoids (such as THC & CBD)
Whilst cannabis does interact with cannabinoid receptors sites, these receptors weren’t created for cannabis. They were created as part of the ECS to be a feedback system between our bodies and brain. These receptors actually far outnumber any receptor found in the brain. THC, CBD and other cannabinoids mimic the endocannabinoids produced in our bodies. Technically, the ECS is being supplemented when someone consumes cannabis - thus activating receptor sites and causing them to go about their functions and ultimately balancing our bodies! This means that many deficiencies and even our over-active aspects of the ECS can be regulated by taking in photo-cannabinoids from cannabis. The 2 main receptors we have in our bodies are CB1 & CBD2.

Cannabinoid  Receptor 1 (CB1) receptors are mainly located in the brain and nervous system, as well as in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. CBD1 best binds with the ends-cannabinoid anandamide, as well as the phyto-cannabinoid THC from cannabis. This is what gives the body relief from pain, nausea, depression, among other things. CB1 also plays a role in regulating sleep.

Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) receptors are found mainly in the immune system, with a heavy concentration in the spleen and in the gastrointestinal system. CB2 receptors, with bind best with the endocannabinoid 2-AG and cannabis’ CBD , are involved in the regulation of appetite and digestion, energy metabolism, and immune system functions like inflammation management.

A deeper look at THC & CBD
There are over 100cannabinoids that have been found so far in cannabis, the most active and prominent ones being THC & CBD. THC was the first cannabinoid to be found, and thus is the most researched out of any chemical within cannabis. CBD comes in a close second now days, with more and more exploration being done into CBDs and other cannabinoids such as CBN, CBG, CBC and many others that are yet to be discovered. As mentioned before, terpenes also have a bit part to play when it comes to full spectrum healing with the synergy of the entourage effect. We are living in exciting times where we’re able to explore and learn a new depth of how cannabis works and how cannabinoids effect our body, mind and soul.

THC is the most researched, most present and most stigmatised of the cannabinoid family. For this reason, it is also the most misunderstood. Since the THC is psychoactive, it’s often labeled as a ‘drug’ for getting ‘high’. Whilst wanting the euphoric effects if THC is certainly understandable, its just scratching the surface of this incredibly powerful and complex cannabinoid.

Anandamide and its role within the body is important to understand to fully grasp what THC does from a healing side. Anandamide translates to ‘bliss’ or ‘joy’ , reflecting this cannabinoid’s properties as a mood enhancer and regulator. Our bodies create this neurotransmitter, anandamide, on-demand. It has a profound impact on our general physiological well-being, as well as appetite stimulation, mood fluctuations, pain management, and even fertility. THC is a similar molecule to anandamide, and therefore stimulates the receptor sites in our bodies that work with anandamide. Raw cacao chocolate also boosts anandamide!

THC has many other beneficial properties such as being an analgesic (pain killing), antispasmodic (relieve spasms), anti-tremor, anti- inflammatory, appetite stimulating and anti-emetic(stops vomiting). THC is a powerful neuroprotectant and anti-oxidant. THC has impressive anti-inflammatory properties; being 20 times the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin! THC brings directly to CBD1 receptor sites in our brain it ‘unlocks’ receptor sites, allowing other cannabinoids such as CBD to interact with the receptors more efficiently and efficiently.
THC has been proven to reduce tumour growth and cancerous cells. As well as stimulating cell death in certain cancers. THC regulates glutamate product in the brain, another abundant neurotransmitter in the brain - also responsible for communicating with cells, especially within the central nervous system. Glutamate helps manage anxiety in the body; unbalanced glutamate levels has been known to cause depression, ADHD, autism, migraines, and other mental illnesses. Many people have excess glutamate levels, as it is one of the main ingredients in MSG and other synthetic flavourings often found in processed food. THC helps regulate glutamate production, so it will stop glutamate production in there is too much in the body.

CBD is the second most abundant Cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD has no psychoactive effects. CBD works on a peripheral level when it comes to the way it interacts with the endocannabinoid receptor sites. It activates CB2 receptors all over your body, providing a big boost to your ECS and immune system health. CBD is well known to have anxiety and depression relieving effects, as well as powerful effects treating epilepsy and seizures. CBD is also near-protective - meaning it can help salvage, recover or regenerate the nervous system, its cells, structure and function. CBD ‘counter acts’ the psychoactive effects of THC - an important aspect to understanding when considering cannabis medicine with different ratios of THC and CBD.

Ratios of CBD to THC and dosage
When healing with cannabis, especially when using oil, it’s important to use the right ratios of CBD & THC  for your specific use or ailment that you’re treating. High THC blends will have sedative effects, good for night use and sleep. CBD rich is better for your day use, especially for anxiety, but won’t have s much effect on pain. More balanced blends tend to be the most versatile, allowing you to take in a full spectrum of cannabinoids without experiencing any phychoactivity or drowsiness. Ask us for more info. Dosage is hugely important when using cannabis as a medicine. Always start low and slowly increase dowse overtime.

What and how can Cannabis help treat and heal
Cannabis can help treat, heal and even cure a number of different ailments and diseases. When paired with other natural, herbal medicine, a healthy, balanced, non-acidic diet, and low stress and balanced lifestyle, the healing power is exceptional it is important to always consult your doctor and/or healer when dealing with chronic and life-threatening diseases. We will discuss the most popular ailment cannabis is used to heal, but there are more. We encourage you t research yourself!

Inflammation & pain - Arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout IBS/Crohn’s, etc
Inflammation is often caused by imbalance within the body. When our cells aren’t getting enough oxygen, inflammation is often not far behind. Inflammation is primarily caused by acidity in the body -  too much adds to the workload of digestion and detoxification of all the organ systems and in doing so, inhibits oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells. Modern diets are full of acidic food such as dead meat, dairy products, refined sugar and salt, alcohol, soy, refined flavours, additives and preservatives. Cancer I another side-effect of cells not getting enough oxygen to function. Its important to keep your and diet alkaline-rich in foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and vegetables. Cannabis is a very powerful anti-inflammatory, reducing chronic inflammation throughout the body as well as curating the pain associated with inflammatory- related diseases. Arthritis is a disease causing chronic inflammation and stiffness of the joints. Similarly, fibromyalgia and gout is characterised by widespread muscle pain and tenderness. These ailments are often accompanies by severe pain, which cannabis can help relieve. CB2 receptors are densely located in the digestive system, allowing cannabis to regulate inflammation responsible for IBS.

Of all ailments that cannabis can help treat and heal, cancer is one of the most well-known and researched. In it’s simplest form, cannabis is caused by cells not getting enough oxygen which results in abnormal cell division, creating tumours and disease. Whilst Cannabis is often taken alongside chemotherapy, it is becoming increasingly popular to use high dosages of cannabis, without using chemotherapy or radiation therapy (which often have huge, negative lifelong effects on your body). It’s best to be taken in combination - such as a high THC at night, a balanced blend in the day, and suppositories too - which gets lots of cannabinoids into your system. Cannabinoids trigger programmed cell death in various types of cancer. One of the big advantages of cannabis-based cancer treatments is that it specifically targets tumorous cells. It doesn’t have an effect on normal, non-tumoral cells. This is a huge advantage over chemotherapy, which basically targets everything, leaving your body fighting to stay alive. Cannabis is also known to ave anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic effects, which means it has the ability to halt the growth of malignant cells before they spread elsewhere. It is also extremely important to have the right diet, an alkaline and plant-based diet is essential to treating any form of cancer and should seriously be considered to prevent cancer from forming and/or coming back.

Depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is often untreated or misdiagnosed. Most people deal with some form of anxiety or depression in the world today - often due to the intense modern-day society we live in. Furthermore, an unbalanced endocannabinoid system will leave us with unstable moods and emotions leading to stress, tension, anxiety, depression, fatigue, etc. cannabis has been shown to have excellent results in helping people feel calm and happy. Once against is very important to get the right dosage, as well as the right blend of THC to CBD. High CBD is often recommended to start with.

Mental illnesses -
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Autism - Cannabinoids activate receptor sites in your brain and body responsible for memory, mood, motor function - creating a range of therapeutic healing properties for mental dis-eases.

Epilepsy -
Certain strains of medicinal cannabis (often CBD rich), are helpful; to control seizures with their anticonvulsant effects

Diabetes, High blood pressure -
Cannabis can stabilise blood sugars, keep blood vessels open and improve circulation.

Sleeping disorders -
Sleep is essential for good health. Cannabis improves REM cycle & helps you relax for deep sleep.

Cannabis can slow down the process of immune system destruction and assist with he side effects of the disease. Cannabis is also an appetite stimulant, anti-nausea and vomiting, and generally improves quality of life - helpful for HIV/AIDS.

Cannabis is also well known to help treat these ailments and many more:
Asthma, sinus, allergies, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Shingles, glaucoma, Crohn’s disease, osteoporosis, ALS, nausea, migraines, lupus, heart disease, addiction, OCD, autism, ADHD, strokes.

~Cosmic Bazaar & Canna Heal